Most weight loss menus reject the use of bananas, considering that this fruit is not suitable for a weight loss diet due to its high calorie content, but the existence of a banana diet casts doubt on this statement. Who is wrong - people who offer to lose weight with bananas or opponents of their use in creating a slim body?
Can you lose weight with bananas?
The reason why experts hesitate about banana weight loss programs is the high calorie content of the main product: 100 g contains 89 kcal (according to some sources - 95 kcal), 21. 8 g of carbohydrates and a large amount of sugar. The last parameter is why, according to nutritionists, the banana diet is not the best choice for those who want to lose weight in a quality way. Against the background of its own large amount of sugar, this fruit provokes a jump in insulin, which then causes a new attack of hunger. However:
- if the diet includes a fasting day, weight will be lost due to a sharp decrease in daily calories;
- Bananas, like the rest of the plant foods, when included in mono diets, will help cleanse the body, which will also lead to weight loss, but they will not improve the quality of the body.
Useful properties and composition of fruits
The entire group of plants has a large number of valuable properties, even with a considerable calorie content and natural sugar content. So, bananas can be called champions in the content of potassium, an important mineral for the heart: if you eat only 1 fruit, you can easily replenish the potassium content, since 100 g of ripe pulp contains 358 mg of this element. Minerals include:
- Calcium;
- Phosphorus;
- Iron;
- Magnesium (indirectly helps metabolism).
The banana is an excellent source of energy, in part due to its high glycemic index (over 70) and high starch content. The latter makes it a good product for people suffering from poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, diarrhea, however, taking a harsh banana weight loss program for such problems is not allowed.

banana diet
The authorship of such an unusual body shaping technique is credited to the British nutritionist Jane Griffin, who was one of the first to explain how to use banana fruit for weight loss - they used to be considered an anti-diet product. The system is soft, but you can't follow its rules for more than a week. The estimated weight loss is 6 kg, but the exact figure can only be determined by clarifying the initial parameters. The energy system has several important points:
- The day before, you need to prepare: drink only mineral water without gas and green tea, do not eat fatty foods and fried foods.
- All plant-based foods should be eaten as fresh as possible.
- The menu cannot combine bananas with muesli: oatmeal must be eaten separately in another meal.
Usage Notes
Most people think that diets aimed at bulking up are the enemy of health, but a banana diet can even be beneficial. This is explained not only by the large amount of vitamins and valuable minerals in this fruit, but also by the high starch content, which reduces stomach discomfort and soothes the intestines. There is a list of diseases from which such a menu will be beneficial for a short time:
- hypoglycemia (low sugar levels, which may be manifested by seizures);
- chronic problems with the stomach - gastritis, gastroduodenitis;
- Diseases of the liver and urinary system;
- violations in the work of the bile ducts;
- circulatory problems.
What you can and cannot eat on a diet
Any weight loss program is primarily based on reducing daily calorie intake. Therefore, when creating a menu, there must be no "heavy" products in terms of calorie content and the percentage of carbohydrates in them. Some categories from the milk and sour milk group, other fruits or vegetables are added to the main fruit. It is not excluded, to use whole grain bread, not to forget about complex carbohydrates at all.
- Sources of sugar (so not fruit, but factory made candy);
- fried food;
- greasy food;
- meat and fish (some diets, if long, allow a very small portion);
- pickled and savory dishes.
What fruits to choose for weight loss
Experts continue to argue about the degree of ripeness of the main product of the banana diet: some nutritionists recommend eating green fruits (more precisely, those that have begun to turn yellow), since they contain less sugar and pectin, fiber in dense pulp is more coarse. However, the proportion of starch that is dangerous for the figure is inversely proportional to the degree of ripeness: the softer the fruit, the less this substance is contained in it. An unripe fruit can have a glycemic index in the region of 42 units, so it is preferable when dieting. Banana chips are definitely not to touch.

How to lose weight with bananas in 3 days
A short and simple technique that will help you lose 2-3 kg of excess weight involves the use of fresh, dense bananas, green apples and cucumbers. The latter foods are diuretic and known for their cleansing properties, so lose weight and detox this weekend. Do not forget about clean water: 1. 8-2 liters must be drunk daily. The three-day diet will be structured as follows:
- Breakfast - 2 bananas;
- snack - apple;
- lunch - banana and apple;
- Dinner - cucumber.
Banana diet for 7 days
For those who are not afraid of difficulties, a weekly scheme that does not have an obvious variety in the menu is suitable. For a day, 1 kg of fresh fruit (up to 950 kcal), 2-2. 5 liters of pure water, 0. 5 liters of green tea and mineral water are allocated. Only the breakfast that is presented changes daily:
- 3 boiled quail eggs.
- 2 oranges.
- 2 boiled chicken eggs.
- Grapefruit. If the day looks hungry, you can eat 300 ml of vegetable broth (without potatoes) in the afternoon.
- 3 boiled quail eggs.
- 2 oranges.
- 2 boiled chicken eggs.
fasting day
If you are not ready to memorize complex schemes of banana weight loss methods, but want to start losing weight, just try to just sit on this fruit for a day. The importance of the technique lies in the rejection of all other products: per day you can eat 1 kg of fruit (this is no more than 950 kcal), dividing this volume into 6-8 meals at equal intervals. Also drink a lot, mostly clean warm water, but green tea and mineral water are also allowed. Some nutritionists allow the addition of skimmed lactose-free milk to the diet - up to 0. 5 liters.
Varieties of mono diet
There are many options for banana diets that do not include many foods in the diet, but most often experts advise combining the main fruit with milk, kefir or cottage cheese. Such schemes are the most effective and relatively satisfactory, since protein is added to starch. The more nutritious foods on the menu (boiled fish and meat, cottage cheese, boiled eggs), the longer you can stick to the chosen nutritional system, but most mono options require you to sit on it for no more than a week in orderavoid this to harm your health.
milk banana
There are 2 versions of this technique, differing in their degree of rigidity. Softer is designed for 5 days but can be shortened to 3 days. About 500g is lost per day, but if you are overweight a person may notice a loss of 800g.
- For a day you consume 350 g of fruit (3 pieces) and 600 ml of lactose-free milk with a minimum fat content (0. 5%).
- You can drink clean water in any quantity.
- You need to eat 4 times a day.
- The last meal is required at 18: 00.
In the strict version of the banana-milk diet, designed for 10 days, the menu is almost the same, and the general rules for food and water are similar. However, the percentage of milk increases to 1 liter per day, and if necessary, you can replace low-fat kefir or drinking yoghurt without additives. The latter, however, may only be 0. 5 liters. Fruits with a diet of 10 days are eaten in the amount of 4 pieces. (approx. 450 g) per day.

Cottage cheese with banana for weight loss
The four-day strict weight loss method, which suggests alternating banana and cottage cheese days, is suitable for those who do not want to starve while losing weight. With its effectiveness, it eclipsed the rest of the mono diets of this fruit, since the body does not suffer from protein deficiency. You can lose 4-5 kg in 4 days while maintaining your performance as much as possible. The menu is structured as follows:
- Odd or banana days: morning banana + milk (glass), afternoon banana + egg (boil), evening banana + chicken (breast, 150g, boil).
- Same or cottage cheese days: in the morning cottage cheese + grapefruit (100 g), in the afternoon cottage cheese + apples (200 g), evening is like morning. Cottage cheese 5% fat.
The method, which originated in Asia, doesn't quite fit into the mono diet format, since it allows the use of third-party products and you have to follow a single rule - eat 1-2 raw bananas every morning. After 3-4 hours you can have a full lunch and then prepare yourself an afternoon snack and dinner. After 20 hours nothing but water is put in the mouth. The diet lasts a week. Soft foods are preferred during the day:
- Cereals on the water (dairy products are prohibited);
- steamed/steamed vegetables.
Kefir banana
A simple replacement for a milk-banana diet can be a diet based on low-fat kefir and non-thermally processed fruits. The latter are consumed in the amount of 6 pieces. per day, this is about 700 g (you should not gain more than 700 kcal), and you can drink a whole liter of kefir - it will be 400 kcal. So your daily calorie intake will not be too low, so that the body suffers only minimally. Banana kefir method can be observed up to 5 days.
Diet Recipes
There are many ways to use banana pulp in cooking - it is added to batter, it is used in fruit casseroles, salads, cocktails (smoothies) and cold desserts. When it comes to losing weight, however, most of these recipes are forbidden: nutritionists advise using this fruit mostly fresh, in protein shakes or light salads.
Fruit salad with apples and yogurt
- Servings: 1 person.
- Calorie content of the dish: 239 kcal.
In fruit-mono diets, salads become the main dish, for which they constantly try to choose the most different combinations of products from each other. Almost any fruit can be added to the banana base (the exceptions are sugary grapes and persimmons, since they are undesirable during a diet), but the tandem with an apple is considered the most useful. As a dressing - natural yoghurt.
- banana - 120 g;
- green apple - 200 g;
- plain yogurt - 30 ml;
- Strawberries - 50 g.
cooking method:
- Dice the peeled apple and do the same with the banana pulp.
- Quarter strawberries and halve very small berries.
- Place the salad ingredients in layers in a bowl and place the yoghurt in between.

Banana cocktail with kefir and cinnamon
- Servings: 1 person.
- Caloric content of the dish: 264 kcal.
If you are looking for delicious and non-threatening recipes, you must try a delicious cocktail. It consists of kefir (choose one that has stood for 2-3 days - not the freshest) or skimmed milk that does not contain lactose, a pinch of cinnamon and mashed banana. If you wish, you can add a few fresh strawberries here and take a teaspoon of honey for sweetness.
- banana - 120 g;
- kefir - 200 ml;
- honey - 1 tsp;
- Cinnamon - 1 tsp
cooking method:
- Using a blender, prepare a banana puree (rotate on high speed for one minute).
- Mix with a glass of kefir in the same place, add honey and cinnamon. Beat another 20 seconds.
Baked Bananas
- Servings: 2 people.
- Calorie content of the dish: 357 kcal.
The easiest banana weight-loss dish that's perfect for breakfast or a slimming dessert is baked fruit drizzled with yogurt and lemon juice. You can add egg whites and even a little skimmed milk: it will be even more satisfying. If you beat this mixture with a mixer, you will get a delicious casserole, which can be recommended for baby food.
- bananas - 240 g;
- cottage cheese - 50 g;
- Lemon - 1/2 piece;
- egg white - 20 g;
- plain yogurt - 50 g;
- Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
cooking method:
- At the bottom of the ceramic dish, place the sliced fruit (take 2 - it's easier to divide portions).
- Drizzle with lemon juice.
- Beat the protein with yogurt and cottage cheese (preferably in briquette format), cover the banana layer.
- Sprinkle with cinnamon, bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

How to get off a diet
Banana weight loss schemes are classified as rigid. Therefore, in order to consolidate the result and avoid malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to conduct the correct exit. Firstly, in terms of duration, it must correspond to the duration of the diet itself: when you have lost weight for 4 days, slowly and gradually introduce familiar foods in exactly the same amount. The exit algorithm looks like this:
- The first stage is the addition of vegetables and unsweetened fruits that were not used during the diet. Increase daily calorie intake by only 100-200 kcal.
- The second stage is the return to the diet of cereals with water or milk, but without additives. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat are desirable.
- The third stage is the use of a small amount (up to 150 g per day) of lean meat, fish or seafood in the diet.
- The last stage is the addition of whole grain bread, cheese, sour milk products, pasta to the menu, but again: 1 day - 1 food group.
Contraindications and side effects
Due to the high glycemic index of the main product, variants of banana discharge and even milder therapies cannot be used in people suffering from diabetes. A similar recommendation is given in case of individual intolerance to the main crop and the appearance of allergic reactions. During weight loss, nausea and weakness are not excluded. Some experts note that a banana diet cannot be prescribed for:
- liver diseases;
- problems with the bile ducts;
- aggravated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- thrombophlebitis, high rate of blood clotting;
- ischemic heart disease;
- diarrhea (in combination with milk).